lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

We did and we will exploit you in your homeland, but we won't do it here

An OVERVIEW: In the last 1.8 million years, Africans emigrated to the rest of the world. In the next 500 years Europeans did the same, but this time they slaughtered, enslaved and "syphilized*" the natives. In the last 50 years people from all over the world has come to Europe and America, and this time they haven't slaughtered, enslaved or given the natives STDs (actually, it has been the other way around AGAIN).

Why immigration is STRATEGICALLY RIGHT: The western world (especially Europe) faces a demographic crisis, resulting from its low birth rate and its high life expectancy. Unless we want to increase taxes 50%, make having at least three kids mandatory and/or kill all people over 70, we must allow a million (young and fertile) immigrants into our country each year. Also, and contrary to popular myth, immigrants (as machines) do not increase unemployment, but decrease it by taking jobs that are not taken by natives at far lower wages thus increasing the economy's overall performance and creating skilled labor for the natives.

Why immigration is MORALLY RIGHT: Isn't it arbitrary that if (for example) a Moroccan commits robbery one kilometer from Ceuta s/he goes to prison, but if s/he does it on Ceuta itself, he is just sent one kilometer away? Isn't it absurd that you can work here if you're born in Šalčininkai (Lithuania - 2350Km from here), but you can't if you're born in Benghazi (Libya - 2275Km)? Isn't it completely unfair and preposterous that a group of people born in a geographical area BY CHANCE claim that area (which is arbitrarily decided, by the way) as theirs and can prohibit people from living there?

*FYI: That’s my first word play ever in English.